Day 39 of 365 Days With God

What does God want from me?

Do you ever ask yourself that question? Or, are you too focused on asking God for what you want?

It’s a conundrum really. Our prayer time is not always consistent, and it’s not always about growing closer to him in love. Sometimes, it’s just about what we want him to do for us!  We want this or we want that, and then we change our minds after we see what he has done for someone else. It’s no wonder why we are never really satisfied with what he gives us. And I know I’m not just preaching to myself here, so don’t shake your head like you’ve never felt this way. Until we change our perspective about who God is to us, then we will always be lacking.

In other words, we will never be totally satisfied, until we satisfy ourselves totally in him.

Let me break it down to you in this scenario. I will use myself as an example, so I don’t tick anybody off! Below is an example of a simple prayer.

Wendy: “God, I love you, you know I love you…Please allow my ministry to take off, please allow me to get the seed money I need to make things happen, plus if you can help me pay my bills this month, so I can get my kid into college, I would really appreciate it.” Amen ( Harmless enough, right?) 

To the point,  definitely. Faith-filled, maybe. Will God grant me my requests?Possibly. But, maybe I would receive even more than my requests if I changed my perspective; Might I receive more grace, more understanding, and more faith if I came to God, like this?

Wendy: “God,I love you, you know I love you….I thank you for all the good things in my life. You know I want to do your will. I want to follow you, I want others to see you in me. You know my needs(oh, how I know you know my needs), I trust that you will help me in all the areas of my life. You have said that those who seek will find; I seek you!  Sometimes, I feel helpless even in trying to take care the basic necessities in life, but I know I have so much compared to  so many.  I pray for those who are hurting and alone, those who are sick, or scared. If I can be a help to someone in need, I ask you to use me. Help me to love my neighbor even greater!  Thank you for your love, and the love of my family and friends. Make me the woman you want me to be, so that my life reflects yours. And God, if you want something different for me than I want for myself, I beg you to show me. Open my heart, my eyes,  and my ears to hear the call of your holy Spirit. “ AMEN

It’s not that God doesn’t know my heart with the first prayer, he does!  It’s not that he needs to hear me say all those things, he doesn’t! The prayer is longer, only, because the heart finds true  joy in praying to One who is everything!

When we take the time to really express our heart, and take time to rest in him, we will see that our prayers have already been answered. Our souls will be filled with peace, our thoughts  will go to others besides ourselves, and in all of that, we will be renewed.

So, what does God want from you?  YOU! Give him more than your leftovers, and see what he will do inside of you!

May we come eagerly to ask God for his blessings.

Wait patiently, for his Spirit to lead us.

And, in the meantime, thank him for everything, knowing his plan for our lives will always be perfect, and more than we could ever dream possible.


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