Tag Archives: consultants

Day 41 of 365 Days With God

I recently received a comment asking me to explain myself in regard to whom I believe are “children of God.” I would like to address that question by reflecting on Today’s readings from the liturgy; I believe when we reflect on their great meanings, they answer this question most perfectly.

The first reading comes to us from the Book of Jonah 1:1-2, 2,11

In the story of Jonah, you may remember how Jonah was reluctant and disobedient, at first, he was. Jonah was to ( do the will of God ) go to Nineveh and preach the Gospel message of Repentance to those who believed differently. Jonah had it set in his own mind that the people of Nineveh were not worthy to receive God’s mercy and love. God thought otherwise.

So, he followed his own plans and got on a boat to Tarshish to try to avoid God’s will.  This act of disobedience placed not only himself, but also the other men who were traveling with him into harm’s way. As the boat was being tossed to and fro, Jonah knew that the Lord was displeased with him, so he instructed the other mariners to throw him over board so that they would be saved. They did so, while asking for God’s pardon. Well, God was nowhere near done with Jonah, so he had a very large whale swallow him up. There, Jonah prayed to God for forgiveness and mercy; after the third day and night , the whale spat him onto the shore. Jonah obediently shared God’s message of repentance . And, although the story does not happily end there.  In the end, Jonah cries out to God once more in praise and thanksgiving for his mercy and goodness.

Now in the Gospel message for today, we read about God’s greatest commandment, and the story of good Samaritan. It’s a power packed message too. The scholar asks Jesus, ” ‘Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? ‘ Jesus said to him,’ what is written in the law? How do you read it?’  He said in reply ‘You shall love the Lord , your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.’ He replied to him, ‘You have answered correctly; do this and you will live.’ But because he wished to justify himself, he said to Jesus‘And who is my  neighbor?'” Luke 10: 25-29 Jesus proceeds to share the story of the good Samaritan. Read The Parable of the good Samaritan  in The Gospel of Luke Ch 10:25-37

I am a miserable sinner, and will not speak for God; however, I believe in my heart that I will encounter God in the act of loving my neighbor, whether my neighbor loves me or not.

My neighbor is my fellow human being.  And since I believe that God created all people, my neighbor, like me,  is also a child of God; no matter their beliefs or how they choose to worship, or whether they worship at all.  I am called to share the love of Christ by loving.  Whether or not I am successful at evangelizing my neighbor, the love of God is still present. Because nothing could squash a love that is above all! Yes, as followers of Christ, we are called to take Christ to the ends of the earth, but that goes so much deeper than just speaking words. We are to interact in love, for the sake of the One who is pure love, with all fellow human beings.

We must remember the story of the good Samaritan when we ask ourselves ‘who is a child of God’ or ‘who is my neighbor?’ When Jesus asked the scholar ‘Which of the these three, in your opinion , was neighbor to the robbers’ victim?’ He answered, ” ‘The one who treated him with mercy.’  Jesus said to him  ‘Go and do likewise.'” Luke 10:37

May the peace of Christ dwell within your soul.

Day 39 of 365 Days With God

What does God want from me?

Do you ever ask yourself that question? Or, are you too focused on asking God for what you want?

It’s a conundrum really. Our prayer time is not always consistent, and it’s not always about growing closer to him in love. Sometimes, it’s just about what we want him to do for us!  We want this or we want that, and then we change our minds after we see what he has done for someone else. It’s no wonder why we are never really satisfied with what he gives us. And I know I’m not just preaching to myself here, so don’t shake your head like you’ve never felt this way. Until we change our perspective about who God is to us, then we will always be lacking.

In other words, we will never be totally satisfied, until we satisfy ourselves totally in him.

Let me break it down to you in this scenario. I will use myself as an example, so I don’t tick anybody off! Below is an example of a simple prayer.

Wendy: “God, I love you, you know I love you…Please allow my ministry to take off, please allow me to get the seed money I need to make things happen, plus if you can help me pay my bills this month, so I can get my kid into college, I would really appreciate it.” Amen ( Harmless enough, right?) 

To the point,  definitely. Faith-filled, maybe. Will God grant me my requests?Possibly. But, maybe I would receive even more than my requests if I changed my perspective; Might I receive more grace, more understanding, and more faith if I came to God, like this?

Wendy: “God,I love you, you know I love you….I thank you for all the good things in my life. You know I want to do your will. I want to follow you, I want others to see you in me. You know my needs(oh, how I know you know my needs), I trust that you will help me in all the areas of my life. You have said that those who seek will find; I seek you!  Sometimes, I feel helpless even in trying to take care the basic necessities in life, but I know I have so much compared to  so many.  I pray for those who are hurting and alone, those who are sick, or scared. If I can be a help to someone in need, I ask you to use me. Help me to love my neighbor even greater!  Thank you for your love, and the love of my family and friends. Make me the woman you want me to be, so that my life reflects yours. And God, if you want something different for me than I want for myself, I beg you to show me. Open my heart, my eyes,  and my ears to hear the call of your holy Spirit. “ AMEN

It’s not that God doesn’t know my heart with the first prayer, he does!  It’s not that he needs to hear me say all those things, he doesn’t! The prayer is longer, only, because the heart finds true  joy in praying to One who is everything!

When we take the time to really express our heart, and take time to rest in him, we will see that our prayers have already been answered. Our souls will be filled with peace, our thoughts  will go to others besides ourselves, and in all of that, we will be renewed.

So, what does God want from you?  YOU! Give him more than your leftovers, and see what he will do inside of you!

May we come eagerly to ask God for his blessings.

Wait patiently, for his Spirit to lead us.

And, in the meantime, thank him for everything, knowing his plan for our lives will always be perfect, and more than we could ever dream possible.


Day 37 of 365 Days With God

The best advice any of us could receive.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6


Day 36 of 365 Days With God

The Goodness of God is all around us, we only have to pause long enough to soak it  in. God invites us everyday to follow him, and when we accept his invitation, our hearts are instantaneously filled with his grace and goodness.

What has God done for you today?  And , before you say ‘not much’ or ‘I’m not really sure’, open your heart and reflect  again. I’m sure that his goodness was extended to you today. Was it in the smile of another person you met?  Was it in that easy parking space you got? How about an answer to prayer, or a song on the radio that encouraged you that things would be alright?

Our God is the God of big miracles, but he is also the God of our everyday small miracles. Sometimes when we are so focused on all that we have to do, all that is negative, and all that we lack,  we can miss  his little touches of goodness.  You see, God wants us to be filled with his peace and joy!

He will  meet us where we are, hold us in his arms, wipe away our tears, and carry us when we are to weak to stand. How good is that?

His goodness can be found  at the local food pantry and homeless shelter where folks come together to comfort those in need.  It’s in the doctors, and nurses, and caregivers who go the extra the mile to make sure their patients are treated with concern and  dignity. There are so many examples where we can  see that God’s great love is fully activated. The cool part is that you and I can be inspired to share his goodness ,too, at our jobs, in our homes, and even while we are taking care of that to do list.

So look around, open your heart, and be encouraged to know that God is very much taking a part in your life today!  I wonder, what miracle will God ask you to be a part of next?

“See, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” In the desert I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers. Isaiah 43:19

Day 35 of 365 With God

There are days that we bask in, and there are days when we wonder why we got out of bed in the first place. If your already shaking your head in agreement , you may just  have an inkling of what I am talking about.  But take great courage my friend, it is in our tough times that our Lord can do a great work in us, if we allow him.

On a good day, when the living is easy and everything is going our way, we find it pleasurable to extend ourselves to others. It is a joy to be a joy, right? But when something, or someone knocks us off our merry-go-round,  everyone better just get out of our way.

Whether we feel we have been unjustly mistreated, taken advantage of,  just plain offended, or plain tired, we have no problem letting the world know  about it. And in a mixed up sort of way, many of us feel almost justified in passing along our misery.

What’s the saying,   Lord it’s hard to be humble, especially when it feels so good being so right! Right? 🙂

No one ever said that it would be easy to ‘Let Go and Let God .’  In fact, It’s a daily lesson.  So on this day, please join me in asking God for his help.


Thank you for your love and mercy in our lives. We know that everyday has it’s share of challenges. We know that we will have our share of disagreements, and conflict with others. Help us Father to extend ourselves in love always, no matter how we feel, and  gently correct us if our response is filled with even the smallest amount of unrighteous anger or false pride. We know this is not what you want for us.

Help us to treat one another  the way we want to be treated. Help us to be sensitive to the needs of others,  even above our own needs. When we fail with these tasks, give us the courage to ask those we have hurt for their forgiveness. Grant us the grace of your wisdom, and lead us always by your holy Spirit. In this we pray,


Tommorrow: God’s Goodness For You!

Day 34 of 365 Days With God

46And an argument arose among them as to which of them was the greatest.47But when Jesus perceived the thought of their hearts, he took a child and put him by his side,48and said to them, “Whoever receives this child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me; for he who is least among you all is the one who is great.”49John answered, “Master, we saw a man casting out demons in your name, and we forbade him, because he does not follow with us.”50But Jesus said to him, “Do not forbid him; for he that is not against you is for you.” Luke : 46-50

This excerpt is taken from today’s Gospel reading. It is a two fold  message that invites us  to look at our own attitudes and our responses to one another.. Has there been a time over the last week or so that  we have wanted to appear more important than we really are?  Have we made others feel less valuable by our actions, gestures, or even  simple conversations?

If you are honest with yourself, you will  probably come up with one example where you fell short. False pride is a sin, and, unfortunately,  it is  very easy for us to fall into it.

Thanks be to God, there is hope! Look back over the scripture again, and try to set the scene in your head. If you have a vivid imagination, like me, you can see it all very clearly. Here is my take: The apostles are all sitting around talking about just how cool they really are, how cool it is to be with ‘The Big Guy”, and then PRIDE very quickly begins to rear its ugly head!  The arguments start, the personalities clash, and I can imagine Jesus sitting there  just shaking his head and saying …Really?  So, he sweetly plucks this young child from the crowd and explains once more to these thick-headed disciples that they really should get a clue.  And just like those guys,  you and I  need an attitude check from time to time.

How many times Lord, do you look at me and hope that I  am taking your words truly to heart?  I thank you for not giving up on me. How many times  have I disappointed or neglected you to spend more time on myself ?

You ask us simply to come to you like little children , to rest in your love, and then serve one another in love,  despite our differences.

It is my belief,  that every human being on this planet  has been created in the image and likeness of God who is love! I am grateful that we are all not alike. I am a Catholic Christian who is passionate about the word of God. I love my faith, my church, and my neighbor.( I don’t always succeed. ) You may be an Evangelical Christian who loves the word of God, your church community, and your neighbor. Maybe you’re not quite sure where you stand in your set of beliefs, yet, you still try to live a good life as you love and help your  neighbor.

Thanks be to God, it’s all good,  because God  deals with each one of us in his time and his way. He knows we are thick headed, a little arrogant, and just plain stubborn at times; So,  he  gives us  numerous opportunities to get our act together and attitude back in check. Whether we are Muslim,  Christian, Hindu or even Atheist, we are all Children of God!   (Our perception of reality never trumps what the actual reality is! )

So today, look into your heart, confess your poor choices, and ask him to help you once more!

Day 32 of 365 Days With God

This evening, at the vigil Mass, I was blessed to hear an elderly nun speak about her missionary work in Ghana. She was a little thing, but her voice was filled with so much  joy, and  love, and she had such a presence about her. I knew I was looking at the face of christ. With great  resolve, she explained just how blessed she was to be a part of helping those most in need. As a collection was held to help her in her efforts, I watched as she humbly  lowered her head and waited on God’s people to respond. I couldn’t help but thank God for her incredible witness.

And then, the Mass ended and we left to get a bite to eat. How easy it is for us to be moved, and then so quickly move on to the next thing on our schedule. With our so many blessings, it is hard to imagine that there are places in this world where people struggle to survive. We may not all be called to the missionary field, but we are each called to support the mission with our finances, our prayers, and our love.

When God calls today, how will you respond?

Day 31 of 365 Days With God

When I think of the word elasticity(and who doesn’t), I think of more than just how much I love my yoga pants – really!

You see, I have learned that in order to truly succeed in living a virtuous life, without over medicating, one must become pliable to his Creator.

If we are willing to move, willing to bend, and willing to let go and let God do a work in us, I believe, God will transform us from top to bottom, inside and out.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not always easy to dispose of (or even moderate) some of those old rigorous beliefs, attitudes, and habits we so rely on everyday; but, if we’re being honest,  aren’t some of those platitudes  just plain ‘old and tired’?

In the world of “makeover manias” it surprises me how few of us really feel the need to makeover our spiritual lives. Imagine how much nicer the world would be? 🙂

“But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our potter; and all we are the work of Your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8)

God, grant us the desire to want what you want for us. Strengthen our resolve to prioritize our time with you, knowing that without you, we will never be transformed. Help us to be courageous as you stretch and shape us out of our comfortable and predictable lifestyles.

We know Lord that you love us just as we are, but we also know that you love us much too much to leave us this way. Thank you for your many blessings, and your mercy in our lives.

We ask for special blessings on our families and friends, and on those who need you most at this time; bend us into looking more like your love this day and from now on. Amen


Day 30 of 365 Days with God

Remember prayer is simply having a conversation with the One who created you.  God doesn’t need to hear a bunch of your  fancy words, or long-winded prayers to hear you more clearly.  He just needs you to sit quietly with him, and when you do,  he will meet you exactly where you are.
He will meet you in your sadness,  in your anger,  in your joy,  in your gratitude, and in your nothingness.  In fact, it is in those times of nothingness that he wants to meet you most.  Even if you only say, ‘ God, I don’t know what to say to you,’ it’s ok – the conversation is started.
It is important to remember that God is not some kind of magic man, he is the Creator of the Universe who loves you more than you could ever know.  He  longs to give you every good thing that will benefit your soul.  So pray, and ask, and know that he will answer you – maybe not in the way you think he should, or in your time frame, but in his way and his time,  for your benefit and his greater glory!
We should have frequent recourse to prayer, and persevere a long time in it. God wishes to be solicited. He is not weary of hearing us. The treasure of His graces is infinite. We can do nothing more pleasing to him than to beg incessantly that He bestow them upon us.

Day 29 of 365 Days With God

Definition of FLOW

intransitive verb
(1) : to issue or move in a stream (2) : circulateb : to move with a continual change of place among the constituent particles <molasses flows slowly>
: rise <the tide ebbs and flows>
: abound <a land flowing with natural resources>
a : to proceed smoothly and readily <conversation flowedeasily>b : to have a smooth continuity
: to hang loose and billowing <her gown flowed around her>
: to derive from a source : come <the wealth that flows from trade>
: to deform under stress without cracking or rupturing —used especially of minerals and rocks.  http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/flow
 Who doesn’t want their lives to flow more smoothly? I know I am much more peaceful when things just seem to connect and move right along.Through extensive trial and error (and by that I mean life), I can tell when I allow God’s goodness to flow through my life and direct my path. I can also tell when I stop God’s flow of mercy and grace operating in my life.
Although there is no secret formula, there is a way for us to get ourselves out-of-the-way, and allow him to come in and work it out!
Those who try to live their lives for God may not always succeed, but because their heart and intention are pure, i.e., they know they need his help and wait on his direction, God has an easier time flowing through them than those whose heart is closed off.
Let me explain, when you have a right motivation, and you place your faith and trust in God, you are giving  God the  ability to fully operate in your life. The result of this openness allows his goodness  to flow through every part of your life – your situation, your health, and your relationships.On the other hand, when your motivations and intentions are not of God, and more geared to ego and selfishness, his flow is limited or may even be blocked.
How can God, who wants the best for us, and who wants to give us every good blessing, flow through someone who has no time for him?
Now go back and re-read the definitions of this verb. You will see words and phrases like abound, rise, circulate, proceed smoothly. Remember, God will act in the one who gives him permission to act.
Today, will you realign your intentions to his, and will you give Him permission to activate your life so that it may flow with His goodness?  Or, will you stop his flow of love, mercy, joy, health, peace, hope, and success for your life? The option remains yours.