Day 29 of 365 Days With God

Definition of FLOW

intransitive verb
(1) : to issue or move in a stream (2) : circulateb : to move with a continual change of place among the constituent particles <molasses flows slowly>
: rise <the tide ebbs and flows>
: abound <a land flowing with natural resources>
a : to proceed smoothly and readily <conversation flowedeasily>b : to have a smooth continuity
: to hang loose and billowing <her gown flowed around her>
: to derive from a source : come <the wealth that flows from trade>
: to deform under stress without cracking or rupturing —used especially of minerals and rocks.
 Who doesn’t want their lives to flow more smoothly? I know I am much more peaceful when things just seem to connect and move right along.Through extensive trial and error (and by that I mean life), I can tell when I allow God’s goodness to flow through my life and direct my path. I can also tell when I stop God’s flow of mercy and grace operating in my life.
Although there is no secret formula, there is a way for us to get ourselves out-of-the-way, and allow him to come in and work it out!
Those who try to live their lives for God may not always succeed, but because their heart and intention are pure, i.e., they know they need his help and wait on his direction, God has an easier time flowing through them than those whose heart is closed off.
Let me explain, when you have a right motivation, and you place your faith and trust in God, you are giving  God the  ability to fully operate in your life. The result of this openness allows his goodness  to flow through every part of your life – your situation, your health, and your relationships.On the other hand, when your motivations and intentions are not of God, and more geared to ego and selfishness, his flow is limited or may even be blocked.
How can God, who wants the best for us, and who wants to give us every good blessing, flow through someone who has no time for him?
Now go back and re-read the definitions of this verb. You will see words and phrases like abound, rise, circulate, proceed smoothly. Remember, God will act in the one who gives him permission to act.
Today, will you realign your intentions to his, and will you give Him permission to activate your life so that it may flow with His goodness?  Or, will you stop his flow of love, mercy, joy, health, peace, hope, and success for your life? The option remains yours.

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